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Closing Racial Equity Gaps in 3 Ways

We help identify areas of inequity, guide you in addressing it, and help you build the infrastructure needed to sustain progress.


Equity Audits

We guide you through our unique 25-point diagnostic racial equity evaluation and produce specific initiatives for immediate implementation. This is the process that will serve as the foundation for continued improvement as you work toward eliminating racial bias.


Anti-Racist Leadership Training

This comprehensive institute is designed to help education leaders build knowledge, skills, and ability, while concurrently developing a concise, high-yield plan of action to increase racial equity. This program, which includes an educator, anti-racist master class and ongoing coaching and support, is a unique approach to racial equity consulting. 


Implementation Infrastructure

We turn equity initiatives into embedded practice. This service supports the creation of the infrastructure needed to make racial equity part of the education organization's cultural practice.


An Effective Organizational Strategy

3 Phases of

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